Sunday, April 29, 2012


Trying out some of the new changes on this blog site :-). Anyway, I want to share what I have been going through during my healing time from my surgery. I have been thinking a lot about what God has shown me what is waiting for little man and I in Chicago. Something happened where one of the paths I was shown has shifted and I do not know the direction now but I am okay with it because all of Gods works for us have been perfect. Another shifting is that my love to move to Ireland was not granted. Ireland is in a horrible state of affairs about like this country is and it broke my heart to have that journey denied but it is for the I am seeking prayer on moving to Australia to be with my awesome sister in Christ Vikki. I have known her on fb for over 4 yrs. now. She has seen me at my best and worst and has stood by me through it all. I love her so much. So praying Australia is a place I can go to in the next few years. God's will not mine. And right now I have to focus on Chicago for little man and I. 

Once we get there...I will be granted a time frame of relaxing but not long because there is a lot of work to be done. One thing I have to do is close some doors and open some windows to my life. One door I have to close is to visit my parents grave site. It is a mixed bag of why I have to go there. One being I want them to both see what they failed at making me and what God succeeded at building up and still continues to build. I want to take some time to cry for the sadness of actually missing them despite their evil, wicked ways. They are missing out on one awesome daughter lol...they are missing out on some awesome grand kids. And I have to let that all go. And I want to tell them that I do love them...despite their sickness in life I have found love for them in my heart. Like I said a mixed bag of things for this door to close.

Another door to close is the fear I have about my moms side of the family. Some cousins I kinda remember as a child. Bits and pieces of memories but good memories. They are a very close knit family. I want to meet them all again. I want to have that "family" connection dad denied me as a kid from everyone. It may not be the close bond they have together but it will be a connection. I am scared because I have been a loner all my life for the most part and that family thing just sends chills down my spine lol...I will be nervous but again it is to close the door on my fear and open the window to new relationships. 

So two hurdles that I know of that God will see me through!! I am so excited about this journey. I have to do this in order to be uplifted to the next level God has waiting for me. My heart has to be completely pure. I am right where God wants me to be in his will. He has me built up from nothing to something that will shine his truth even brighter than before. I live to glorify his name. My journey is for a higher purpose in his will for us. And what a journey it has been!! God bless to you all!! 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Release Me!

Been a busy month for me with it not slowing up..but that is okay. I prefer it like that. I really dislike the area I live in and keeping busy keeps my mind off the fact that I am still existing in this pit lol. One of the things that has happened to me this month was with my dad. I remember falling asleep and waking up a bit later but with the presence of my dad in the room. Let me explain how I feel where and what my dad is. My dad was very evil on this earth. One of the most vile evil demons to be allowed up from the pits of Hell. My dad killed himself proclaiming to me that he would get me in death as he tried in life for ruining him. I turned my dad in for incest/molesting/raping/physically abusing me and at that point the demon that consumed my dad hated me for breaking the generations of abuse he has inflicted upon my dads side of the family. And this demon that consumed my father came to me when my dad killed himself and this demon walked with me till I found God and that really angered this demon...I call this demon my dad because that is all I knew of my dad was this demon. So henceforth I call this demon my father. Back to when I woke up and felt this demon, my father, in the room...I not only felt him but I smelled father had a particular scent..whether demons have scents I do not know but this demon did. At the time I woke up sensing his presence I felt the hand of God wrap around me tightly with a static of ready for war feeling...but I also felt this demon and what it was was submissive. It knew the hand of God was around me. It knew the King of Kings was its true God. And in this submissive feeling I also felt and heard this demon or my father speak to me. He said he was sorry for all that he had done to me and had tried to do. He knew I forgave him years ago but I wanted to say he was sorry and he also said that he was proud of what I had become in Christ. And I felt this apology was true and from the man my father was supposed to be while he was alive. At this turning point I felt sorrow. Sorrow because I know what my father is and whom he serves in Hell. He will never know the Glory of God truly like I have experienced on this earth. And I started to cry. Cry for joy that this demon was done with me, crying because this demon was sentenced to a life of misery and slave to the Devil. In that moment I became grateful to my Father that he saved me from that afterlife sentence. I prayed and gave thanks for all that I have been allowed to have in the light of God and to share it with others.

Now this demon left me. And joy of the Lord filled me. I cannot say this demon, my father will not try again to attack me as he is a servant of the Devil. I am sure the Devil tortured my father because of his submissiveness to the will of God. But that is the price one pays with not walking with God while on this earth. Once you die without taking God into your life and saving are unsavable. You end up like my father. This was a significant event because it shows me that my path with God is even stronger. It shows me he loves me and highly favors me. And the peace this gave me was amazing.

God is moving me along closing this chapter of my life to ready me for the next chapter. Another event that happened this month is God shown me more of my journey for when little man and I make our move to Chicago. In our lives in Chicago God revealed to me that Chicago holds love of a family, meaning those at SOF. Let me go back a bit. Before I moved to Pa I stood at a cross roads in life. And Pa was not on God's agenda for myself and my kids. But I ignored the will of God for me and I came to Pa. This so angered God that I was defiant. He punished me for not following him. But in that punishment I grew because I had to strip myself of who I was and become a new person in God. In my time here, even though I really strongly disliked it here, God has formed me into who he wants me to be. I have learned patience, faith, love, humility, to be live in the today and what I have. Not materialism nor living on pride. I was stripped of money, possessions, my children in order for God to grasp me fully. And because of my obedience to him, my faith in trust in him...with time he gave me what I needed to live through him. He built me up to who I am now. I got my kids back, I regained financial stability, I have the possessions I need. My wants are what God wants for me. Nothing more. I crave only his knowledge and wisdom...which I have gained much with lots more to come.

Now back to what the good Lord has shown me he has in store for little man and I . Because of my change and full faith in him these past years he took me on a trip of what he has in store. He led me to SOF which has become a family to me. He shown me how he is going to continue to work in me to shine his light brighter than ever to reach those Satan has under his veil of darkness....I will get to finish my book up and with some media contacts I have stored away it will take flight and sore to heights even I have dreamed about. I will get to take my dream of speaking about what my journey has been to others...he shown me a good mass of people who will come hear me...some will still turn from God and some will come to his will for them. He shown me SOF will play an intricate part of little man's and my life with my ministry in guiding and teaching people. SOF is going to grow fast! God has his hand on that ministry!!

 His miracles and blessings can come from anywhere!! I found my church family through the social media site at Facebook. I have been led to many brothers and sisters in Christ on Facebook. I was led to an amazing mentor of a woman. Prophetess Sherry. One amazing woman of God. And there have been others God has used from time to time to mentor me for a short season. I praise God for them all!!

I have to still take the last steps to remove the physical scars my dad left on me...I have having all my adult teeth removed and having false teeth put in...I was embarrassed about it at first and humiliated but God said not to be...if people judge me because of this then they were never my true friends. He shown me what I will look like after all is said and done and I had the biggest smile on my face and I was so beautiful inside and out...brightly shining a light that blinded even me at the time he was blessing me with this vision. I was fit and toned up...I had a huge smile and I looked just wow lol...and I went yesterday and dove in got my hair cut and styled. It was a shock to loose 5 inches of hair but once I got to playing with it and styling on my own...I even bought make up...and after experimenting I looked in the mirror and again cried tears of joy because I began to see that same beautiful woman God has shown me some time ago. And I thanked God right there and then.

My journey is about over here. My new journey is about to begin. This move is in the will of God. My whole life now is in the will of God. I am excited about all he has in store for little man and I. The new family in Christ, .so many other things....just amazing...God is amazing, awesome, wonderful, beautiful!! His works are awesome if we just wait in his timing!!  There is life after even the severest of abuses like mine as a child!! There is love, there is smiles, there is laughter, there is sunshine and no more darkness!! That is my story so be continued...may you all be truly Godly blessed!!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Life is not a dream sweetheart...but it is one amazing journey to walk through with God

Been awhile since I have been on here to much going on in life today...I had suffered a minor stroke and that set me back a bit but I have and will over come it one day at a time through Christ. Seems the stronger my faith in God the stronger Satan tries to come at me full force. In my old days I would have retreated to the bottle of Vodka and sat there while the world crumbled around me...I am so proud of myself for how far I have come in my walk with Christ. It has not been a bed of roses nor does God promise a bed of roses walk. There will be trials and tribulations to go through. It is what happens in that trial that determines the outcome so to speak. I hung on to faith through everything that Satan through at me...I clung to God like glue...followed his will/listened to him kept my eyes on the cross and all that struggling God is paying me off not only with wisdom/knowledge from him but I am starting to reap further benefits.

I have been blessed to find a church in Chicago, I have been blessed with my ex husband finally turning in the papers that will allow me to get what is half rightfully mine from the divorce after 11 years of waiting and the latter of that I let go and let God have it all and he delivered to me big time....myself and little man are moving to Chicago this summer to start our lives over with a very well grounded group of people that is so walking with God. God led me to them and am making actual friendships with people there. He will be delivering myself and little man out of this pit that is sick with Satan. My oldest is going to stay put here and finish out college then head to Tx to finish up her studies. My 16 year old son is headed to Tx to live with his dad...another let go and let God handle situation. It will be just myself and little man in a few months.

I am so looking forward to this new chapter in our lives. I have walked a long, hard, rough, lonely path and now because of my faithfulness I am being rewarded 2 fold for what I have sowed...I have slipped a few times but I got right back up to walk with God again. He forgave me every time I fell and I learned from that fall. Will life be a bed of roses yet, no. I will still have a road of roughness and struggle sometimes...but it will be a whole lot easier to walk because God is with me. And this next chapter is going to be filled with a lot more happiness and wonders bestowed on me from above. He is so moving in our lives that my head is spinning with all the blessings he has allowed me to have and continue to have. This move to Chicago brings about so many new things for little man and myself...gonna be wonderful to experience.

In Chicago once I get settled I will get back to work on what God has in store for me one being the book..I want to finish it up by fall to get it out to the public and schedule some speaker sessions to tell my story to those under the veil of darkness Satan has over them. That is all I have been shown in regard to the path God has me on. He has shown me other things and people that are going to be so intricate in mine and little mans life...going to be one amazing journey with more to learn and grow from.

Anyone going through Hell just keep will come through...keep faith in God and he will guide you to his knowledge and wisdom...and those 2 things are the most precious of gifts he could bestow on his children. Life is so good. I have walked through Hell and even parked there for awhile in my life but I learned that I didn't have to stay there. I got out from alcoholism/depression among other things...I am not who I was nor am I who my biological father wanted me to be...I am who my Heavenly Father molded to be in his image. It can be done...I was severely sexually abused at the hands of my bio dad and several members of his side of the family from age 2 to 17...was it easy to get out of that statistic yes it was...but I did it.....I walk a path of happiness and love. I still have challenges but I know how to handle them. God put people in my life to learn how to do all sorts of things in all sorts of situations. I thank God for these people. And pray that my story can reach even one who is under the veil of darkness by Satan. Thank you and God bless.